$12.50 for a tube.. rack off!

Yeah.. so I notice my tyre is flat. I brought the bike into work last night and it seems to have gone down over-night. Must be all that over-inflation I’ve been putting it through before races:

Just a.. few… more….. pou..nds! Ahh.. There we go!

Head down the road to Lawrencia Cycles and ask for a 700C tube..

That’s $12.50 thanks.


I recoil in horror, only just managing to stop my head spinning around 360 degrees.

I hand over the money reluctantly, knowing it’s double what I usually pay, knowing I have a bunch of repaired and unrepaired spares at home, knowing that there are other bike shops but they are all outside walking distance, knowing that this shop always overcharges because they are in the Yuppie Zone(tm), knowing that I need to ride because it’s been too long and I have a 24hr race on the weekend, knowing that if I don’t buy it now I wont fix it and I wont ride home which will suck my motivation to train tonight..

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