I saw a funny incident this morning at the gym. This dude riding a cheap mtb. Obviously a newb (or drunk hehe), he’s riding around the carpark and takes an easy, slow corner.. but he doesn’t turn! Doesn’t lean, nothing..

So, by now he’s overcooked it and ‘slowly’ runs into a tree. He hit it at a shallow enough angle to scrape along and continue.. He was smiling and so were the 5 people that watched him. I don’t think the SAAB/Beemer(?) owner who’s car was parked right next to the tree would have been..

One thought on “

  1. I have been riding bikes for years….many many years

    and I still have these moments where I fall down for very little reason at all

    it is humbling

    it makes me laugh

    we all need to be humbled


    we all need to laugh more

    I must admit…very little gives me greater pleasure then the misfortune of others….


    the simple slip on the ice

    or tripping on a shoe lace

    not the big stuff

    just the little stuff makes me laugh

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