Wensleydale Cheese & Caramelised Carrot Chutney

“Huh?”, you grunt, furrowed brow prematurely aging your face. Haha got ya! 😛

On Sunday, Sheila and I tried a variety of stores trying to find me some work clothes. So what did I end up with?

Well, from Marks & Spencer, the sandwich-with-the-strangest-name-ever (the title of this post) and some vanilla milk. From Oxfam, a 2006 diary and a used copy of MIchael Moore’s “Stupid White Men” book.

The clothes? Um.. well.. you see.. um… now you know why I hate shopping for clothes!

In reality it was smarter not to buy anything just yet – the new job’s uniform remains unknown. I’m putting my money on it being a suit and tie affair. Fscking ridiculous dressing up just to sit on my ar$e all day typing, but the world is a ridiculous place. I can’t wait to spend half a day’s wages on the week’s dry-cleaning bill. Please let them have showers and bike facilities!!

Prior to the shopping, Sheila and I had gone to Cafe Rouge for breakfast. Grant was working today so I was being the Charming Male Companion(tm) in his place. It didn’t look like it but this cafe is part of a rather large chain. Service and decor was such that it didn’t feel like a chain cafe. No Starfucks here thankyou! Cappucino accompanied a crepe filled with mushrooms and tomato, topped with egg were well received by my tum.

Stepping further back in time, to the day before in fact, and you would’ve witnessed Grant, Sheila, Jamie (whom we’d just met) and myself rushing around London with a fist-full of rhyming clues, an A-Z and a digicam, pretending it was 1605 and trying to track down Guy Fawkes, find monuments, record information and answer bonus questions in a clever birthday treasure hunt. Kate, a workmate of Grant’s, celebrated her birthday in a very novel fashion indeed!

It was very different, great fun and the whole setup was really well done. We came in about an hour behind the “winning” team – we did stop a couple of times for coffee and icecream and 3/4 of us were Aussies – but the journey ended up in the Hung, Drawn and Quartered pub so it can hardly be considered “losing”! 😀 Proceeded to get well-drunk, worry about an odd Scottish dude, watch fireworks, piggyback people along the Thames, obtain many injuries, drink more, make dicks of ourselves on public transport, etc.. It was a fun day/night! I forgot my mobile though and got a little too drunk so I never made it to Paul’s party with Dan and El Seano. Sorry guys, I’m sure you had fun. 😉