Acupuncture for the face..

That’s what it feels like riding through a hail and sleet storm at 40kph and that’s what today’s ride involved. Hundreds of pins to the face.. while all my Aussie friends complain about the hottest March on record or something.. I know which I’d prefer! :S

I was feeling sorry for myself after not riding yesterday (Good Friday/Bad Hangover) and looking out the window all morning at the disgusting weather. Mal finally motivated me enough to adjust my bike as per my new Cyclefit specs (saddle’s up but the bars need work) and get outside for a ride.

Program said 70k. I ended up doing 56k to Beaconsfield but I figure I’ll go over tomorrow’s 60k anyway which will make up the difference (and then some). It was more a success psychologically rather than a physical break-through. I’ve been lacking motivation since returning from Egypt and it was fcsking tough to drag myself out today. But I’m happy I did and that’s got to count for something.

4 thoughts on “Acupuncture for the face..

  1. I think the Ribble’s BB is fscked. There’s loads of resistance moving it. I’m gonna leave it like that until self-destruction for the resistance training benefit 🙂

  2. Yeah.. I much preferred the riding the Chilterns or out your way. But it’s a pain when your program is short (60k) because you have to ride through an hour of crap before the nice lanes and hills begin..

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