3 thoughts on “Basket Case

  1. Hi Stu and Pauline, Great to hear that you’re doing well. Lucky you to have Mum, Stu to fuss over you. We’ve been thinking of you and following your progress. Craig and I are in melb, staying with Lanna and all’s going well. Craig is relieved that you’re getting better and thinks it was a pathetic excuse to get out of buying spare parts for him. Ha! Looking forward to seeing you both when we are all fit and well, Love Kerry and Craig, Rhian and Lanna

  2. I hope everything is going well for you guys as well. Mum and Dad are keeping me as up to date as they can. It WAS great to see Mum over here and it’ll be nice to see M&D next year in nicer circumstances.

    I’m good now for more motorbike part orders if you want! 🙂

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