DVLA Lookup

The useful thing about this DVLA facility is that you can check if the registration of the skank that didn’t look as she pulled out, forcing you into the other lane and then flipping you off when you tell her to use her eyes, in fact matches the mental image you have of the car: DVLA Lookup. Of course it doesn’t help with the twats who think the wide, black, lines of tar (known to most as “roads”) are to be used for strolling along. Peak Hour. Wakeup!

LS02 TXP, your car is now mine.

Is there something wrong, I mean, mentally, with the women in red hatchbacks? Or is it just that lots of women drive red hatches?

6 thoughts on “DVLA Lookup

  1. I know a black hatch-y who’s a bit sore and sorry. Yes, we heard the cats fighting in the middle of the night and the next morning he was very fragile! He’s fine now, just has a couple of those big lumps erupting with some fur missing! But he’s ok, still gives the dog a hard time!

  2. No one out there has as many issues as me 😉

    Scooter? No thanks. I’d have the same problems in traffic and to top it off I’d be getting no exercise. No exercise makes bads things happen.

    How’d you find out about the hippy Pcono Mom? Mothers aren’t ‘usually’ reading my rants.

  3. I’m cross, very cross. How dare you suggest that women with red hatchbacks (yes, thats hatchbacks not aussie hatchies) have mental problems! I will have you know that my dear skippy and I are an excellent team on the road and have been for a few years now. Skips knows his job and is at his best when carrying Gee Gee feed, and spending the night in strange places when mum cabs home from bars and restaurants after a few bevvies. We even got stopped by the police once so that they could inspect him as he is so special. Please don’t tar every red hatchback with the same brush – most of us girlie/red hatch teams are very considerate on the road and would like to be appreciated for all the joy we bring.

  4. You’re a bush dweller though and surely a different breed from the crazy city slickers who spend too much time inhaling exhaust fumes. Besides, I have evidence that would suggest you are in fact, crazy, though perhaps not on the roads 😛


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