Eat 'til you spew..

After dropping Loris off at Frankfurt Hahn airport, Renee and I noted that we were very close to the world famous Waldgeist-Hofheim schnitzel restaurant.

You may have seen this place and its killer meals in a email forward at some stage. It’s all true!!!

XXL BurgerXXL Schnitzel

4 thoughts on “Eat 'til you spew..

  1. Mmmmmm – looks delicious. I’ll have to start saving for that heart bypass at some point…..

  2. The schnitzel was pretty good.. at least until I hit the 3rd hour..

    The burger was nothing flash and I was having flashbacks to when I used to eat McChucks.

    The beer was nice.

  3. Mmm, food porn.

    It took you 3 hours to eat the snitzel? 🙂 I could have eaten it in 10 minutes!

  4. No, it took me 3hrs to eat half the schnitzel, swap with Renee for the burger, eat half the burger, drink my beer, egg Nee on to eat more, then swap back to finish the schnitzel she had barely touched!

    Then there was the rush to the toilets.

    I will lay down big money on you NOT being able to finish it in 10min 🙂

    Actually, if I stuck with the schnitzel, it would’ve all been good – cold schnitzel is both tough and rather horrible to eat. There’s my tourist tip for the day.

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