Fri 29th: Groningen to Leer.. Hallo Germany!

Groningen to Leer:

Yesterday (Fri 29th) I rode from Groningen (NL) to Leer (Germany). In my typical style I spent the first hour lost and asking people how the hell to get out of Groningen and heading towards Leer. I cant recall much of the ride. I may have diaried it? An update will likely be made to this post.. aren?t you lucky.

Yes, I did write something. But it was only to mention stopping in a C1000 supermarket in “Beerta” for “Sneeuwmutsjes” – totally yummy, moist little cakes with jam ?baked into? them. A sweet “Limondaine” drink, “Aquarius” drink – like Gatorade (but weaker?) and some “Appelkoeken” (apple cakes) for later.

I travelled through: Hoogesand, Winschoten, Nieuweschans and Weener if you wanted to know that. If you didn?t, you just replaced your Mother-In-Law?s birthday with a town named “Weener”..

Found hostel thanks to nice lady who only spoke German but drew a mean shop-a-docket map! 🙂

25.60euro per night. Bit steep – hope it’s not the trend here. Got a whole room to myself though.

There was some festival on in Leer, but I only saw one marching band and then the cleanup operation. Lots of boats – it’s on a major canal or something?

Pizza for dinner (5euro) with a half-litre of beer (2.80euro). Didn?t really help my dehydration but I’m into quick kicks rather than long-term happiness 😛

Followed that with a beautiful blonde.. no, wait.. a beautiful Tiramisu! (4euro) 😀

Did the usual wander around town. Small and cosy but quite a few people – boat crews and tourists, mainly, I think?

Groningen to Leer Stats:

94k, 4h 26m, 21.1kph