Glenvale Crit 21-Nov-04

C grade had 50 riders this week. I’d been off the bike for two weeks with work committments and on trying E3 efforts at the ‘drome on Saturday I felt that I would be spat out the back quickly because my legs were so stuffed from under-use. I just didn’t seem to be able to force my legs up to the required speed.

The first part of the race felt quite easy even though post-race comments seemed to indicate otherwise. Perhaps it was the two week “rest” I’d had? Ha!

I’d had an easy night beforehand with only a single drink (it was hard but I managed.. the hangover from the night before helped curtail my drinking) and an early bedtime of 2.30am 😉

As usual, I wasted energy at the back of the field for a while before moving up. Again I was surprised that I could actually stay up near the front. There appeared to be less breakaway attempts than usual – it was like everyone was having an easy day? The usual crazies chopped and changed their lines mid-corner and mid-straight causing some carnage but I managed to hold it together to secure my best place so far.. 5th.

Maybe if I didn’t do those couple of small turns out the front I would’ve had the juice needed to push through a couple more guys and enter the “money zone”? (Maybe if I took

more care of my body.. and.. blah blah blah.. )

Victory WILL be mine!! Soon.. soon my pretties…

Oh, I checked the stats this morning and the average wasn’t any slower than usual, contrary to my feeling on the day. 40.4kph for 57min. It must’ve been my

brain helping me out me out with some extra dopamine.

I think my HR was lower too so I’m either getting fitter (ahahahaha!) or I was simply better rested.