Have you packed everything?

 have you packed everything

The scene that greeted us on return from the 100. (c) fastandwithpropercyclingshoeseddy

6 thoughts on “Have you packed everything?

  1. Have no enough case to buy a pair of shoes? Do not worry, just because that’s possible to recieve the <a href="http://suckmyshittycock-blo…">loan<a/> to solve each kind of problems. So get a short term loan to buy everything you need. Including shoes. You cockstick! Ha hahahahah!

  2. Stuart – I highly recommend having one bag that the essientials get packed into all the time, no matter what. Namely Helmet, Shoes, gloves, then whatever else comes next. Don’t have the bag? Hmmm.. probably don’e have the shoes. Do I sound like your mother? Hmm… well, when was the last time your Mum was caught out with no shoes? You could probably pipe up here Pauline :o)

  3. I packed them you cocksmoker but they got left at Eddy’s place transferring stuff from house to car. They should’ve been on my feet but I don’t like wearing out plastic cleats. Moo.

  4. Hmmm… so you didn’t really pack them then? Otherwise they would have been packed right?

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