Huffy files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

The Miami Herald

(you will have to register to read it, but the subject gives an idea)

“Huffy, which makes about a third of the bicycles sold in the United States, filed for Chapter 11 on Wednesday, citing losses largely from a Canadian sports equipment company.”

“Huffy lost $7.5 million in 2003 after losing $1.4 million in 2002. It has yet to file quarterly financial reports for 2004 and has not said why.”

Seems like they did a Cannondale with their bike division making money but the other crap they got into failed.

One thought on “Huffy files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

  1. good…

    I think that HUFFY and all the "department store" style bikes should go under!

    well….other than the beach cruisers…

    huffy makes a solid beach cruiser

    but all that pseudo-full suspension stuff is a discredit to the consumer

    all these people need is a simple geared bike to get them around town

    Washington DC is filled with honest working immigrants that buy these bikes to get to and from work

    they are lugging all this extra weight for no reason

    a three speed (most of these riders do not switch gears anyway) would be enough

    a solid single speed would be even more practical

    less cables

    less adjustment

    less hassle

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