I have no energy

One day with 3hrs of riding in it and I’m knackered the next day? Am I ‘that’ unfit?

I’m going to put it down to the daylight saving changeover. Carl.. help! :S

5 thoughts on “I have no energy

  1. can we deduce a correlation between this blog entry and the previous one regarding pancakes? It’s obvious you didn’t eat enough of them and your window of opportunity for ingesting them for maximum physiological effect was mistimed Hipshtar!

  2. I have to agree about the relationship between the two entries, but I wasn’t thinking you hadn’t eaten enough of them!!! Must say, some didn’t recognise me after my recent weight loss, and some said I looked 10 yrs younger!!! And no, I didn’t eat any pancakes.

  3. Yes, I definitely missed the 30min post-exercise window for glycogen loading.

    Next time will take pancakes with me on the ride..

    I’d like to look 10 years younger. I look like death these days. Go pb! Go! 😀

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