Congratulations, your black BMW is the first to be added to the European Edition of the Hippy Shit List!

With your inability to use some of the more basic features of your vehicle, namely indicators and rear-view mirrors, we at have decided that the removal of these unnecessary items from your vehicle should proceed as rapidly as possible.

Of course, should you decide that the above-mentioned items are beneficial to your driving, they will be returned to you.

Super-glue will not, however, be provided.

Should you wish to dispute your addition to this prestigious list, you are more than welcome to forward us your name and residential address, for “clarification”.

2 thoughts on “LB55 DXU

  1. Is there an associated demographic? You know, like Asian ladies and Mercedes (all brands) here… I once saw one of those combinations going straight through an intersection… her thought process was like this:

    I’m not turning left, so I shouldn’t use only my left indicator.

    I’m not turning right, so I shouldn’t use only my right indicator.

    I know! I’ll use BOTH at the same time! Ahh! Thats what that red arrow pointing straight ahead means!

  2. I’d say that there was but then I’d just be proven wrong the next day..

    No indicator happens a lot.. but hazards to go through a red! Damn!

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