Lokeren, thanks Eddie

Yesterday, I had a long brekkie, chatting to Sena and a couple of Sydney-siders and then checked out and trammed into town (Antwerp) to look at some Rubens paintings in the Cathedral. Now, they were good paintings, but the whole religious impact that they are supposed to convey was kinda lost on me. Sure check ’em out, but don’t expect a life-changing experience. The Cathedral was impressive (but arent they all, rich religious bastards!) and it was only 2 euro.

Then I hit a net cafe, 6 euro for 2 hours. Why oh why did I sign in to MSN.. oh, that’s right, nevermind 😛

It’s now 3pm and I’m finally leaving Antwerp’s hostel. Sena is there again to say goodbye. Hey she was on the tram into town too! Stalker? 😛 Who can blame her really? hahaha If you ever stumble across this.. I’m joking.. you were cool and I hope your arts study is going well..

So, I have no frickin’ idea where to go. hippy touring tip – buy maps that include the town you’re staying in and don’t buy large scale car maps. Reality: Meh, I’m not spending THAT much on those funky maps! Just frickin wing it! Europe is so densely populated, there’ll always be somewhere to stay. Maybe not in winter though, or the east or or or.. 😉

Anyway, after one hour of riding I was back in Antwerp where I started. Asked a few people and finally discovered the building I had to go into in order to cross the river! Yeah, there’s a tunnel under the Scheldt(sp?) River that takes you to the other side. Once there, I asked again and it was “N70, that road there, straight, will take you all the way to Gent”.. and it did, pretty much.

Two major towns and some minors along the way – Sint Nikkolas being the first and Lokeren the second. Good to know the in-between towns so I know if Im off course.

Just as I rolled out from Antwerp on the other side of the river (1hr after starting!) there was a bike crash. I think a car hit the rider. Dude was on the ground, blood spilled, twisted up in his bike. Oohh.. this doesn’t look good..

There were other people standing around him, locals, in a better position to help, so I waited until I saw him move and was sure I couldn’t do anything to help, and then I rolled on with a sick feeling in my stomach.. nasty seeing any rider down, especially nasty when cars are involved..

The N70 is not the main road to Gent, perhaps like Maroondah Hwy traffic levels. The big difference though is that it has bike lane along the WHOLE FRICKIN ROAD!!

Okay, so they took me off course once, but luckily I realised relatively quickly and asked another rider for directions, which saved the day. I AM going too fast to read the signs. I’ve noticed that lately, I don’t so much cycle tour as ‘cain myself to get from a to b as fast as I can’. It’s not quite TT style but I keep leaving too late and having to suffer to arrive on time.

This wouldn’t be the case if I had proper maps and planned stuff. The cool thing about being RUSHED on a bike tour is that even when I’m hammering, it’s not like a car where you miss everything. I still stop and take pics of interesting stuff (read: catch my breath!)

The whole ride was into a head wind. Well, not quite. When I was going the wrong way I had a tail wind hahahah!

At one point, I was drafting a scooter!! It took my approx. 20kph up to 30+kph for a few minutes. They eventually noticed me and I waved them on faster until they turned off. It’s a scary thought that they might have paid good money for a motorscooter that can only travel as fast as a fully loaded hippy bicycle tourer!!!

Oh yeah, motorscooters can use bike paths, it seems. Quite a few faster ones zipped past me.

Stopped at a Colryut(sp?) for drinks and food. It’s like a supermarket but seems geared up for bulk, frozen goods. SPA mineral water tastes like shit!! Lucky I drank the stuff so fast it missed my tastebuds!

Made it to Gent. Spent a while with the stupid changing street names and streets that go around corners until I found the hostel. Yay, I was immediately happy. The guy at the front desk was funny as too, which was nice.

I was in a full room of six. Not so good, but beggars can’t be choosers or some guff.. Bit more expensive here than Antwerp because the bathroom was in the room.

Met an interesting dude from Slovakia attending a conference and another bike tourer and another guy who just finished 12 month around the world trip. So, again it was late before I finally left, cleaned, looking for dinner. Lucky some places close at midnight. I picked a Turkish place – Ankara I think? It had a picture menu for dumbass Aussie tourists like me!

Wandered the beautiful cobbled streets a bit, sat by a really romantic canal (well it would’ve been romantic if I wasn’t alone!) and took some night photos. Gent is very pretty.


74.74k (actual 50k), 4h06m, 18.1kph

19 thoughts on “Lokeren, thanks Eddie

  1. Isn’t it a pity you have to sleep – otherwise you’d be able to fit everything in. Hadn’t sent emails, didn’t think you’d have time to read. Do you have any idea where you’re going next or do you take pot luck? Graeme + Jode’s think you’ll be super fit – does all that beer help? Glad u’r still taking a look around.

  2. Cat and Tango surviving – they’re 1 m apart. Cat hisses if Tango looks at him. Getting more confident, but hates dog. You’re old home being cleaned out again – tenant coming in 1/7/05, no want furniture. Organising for Lanna to have. Sorry, looks like you have to get new stuff if and when u return.

  3. He’ll be a new man in need of new furniture anyway Mrs B! Sounds like his but won’t fit comfortably onto anything that’s not skinny, thinly padded and leather covered when he gets back, so the couches will be redundant at least!

  4. He’ll be a new man in need of new furniture anyway Mrs B! Sounds like his but won’t fit comfortably onto anything that’s not skinny, thinly padded and leather covered when he gets back, so the couches will be redundant at least!

  5. He’ll be a new man in need of new furniture anyway Mrs B! Sounds like his but won’t fit comfortably onto anything that’s not skinny, thinly padded and leather covered when he gets back, so the couches will be redundant at least!

  6. Dear Mrs B,

    Glad to hear Hatchies doing well and surviving socialising with the dog. He doesn’t like other cats either.


    Hatchies ex-Family/Home in Abbotsford

  7. Mum:

    Sleep sucks.. still looking for a solution to that one..

    I work out where I’m going based on where I am, how far next town is and likelihood of cheap accom and interesting sights. Rest of Belgium is planned then wing it for Holland until I settle in. LP guides help a bit given me clues, etc. I told you to get rid of the furniture ;P

    Good to hear the pets are getting along so well 😉

    No I am not fit – for every k I ride I drink a litre of strong beer and eat some ultra sweet bakery product…


    My Mum reads this you dirty girl! 😛 (It’s ok, she’s cool)


    I haven’t checked your blog for ages so no idea what you up to.. hope all the housing issues are going well and the Melb weather aint too cold.. damn hot here in Brugges..

  8. It took me a minute, but I finally got it! What’s Africa doing to me? I would have normally thought of that reply as I was writing the comment… But after all that bakery food and beer he’s consuming, are you sure you’d be up for it Tam?

  9. I am so jealous. I want beer and bakery food.

    I’m a girl, Anthony, so your question isn’t really relevant… did I just say that?

  10. OK… so Malaria has definatly warped my previously corrupt mind and it is now a poor, fragile, innocent thing… I’m going to bar myself from this thread, as it is becoming quite disturbing. I’m sure you’re nice people and all, but I just don’t want to delve into the darker sides of existence. Have a nice life.


  11. Anthony has suffered extensive brain damage after his Cerebral Malaria episode, and now suffers delusions.

    As possible members of his friends and family, I encourage you to make Anthony’s transition back to "normality" a smooth one and not subject him to any extreme forms of existence, sugested or otherwise. So Stu – stop getting fat. Tamyka – keep your pants on.


    Dr Josef P Bawakamarthamutamarra

    Cerebral Malaria Expert

    Livingstone, Zambia

  12. This blog is turning into Playboy forum or something..

    Keep it up!

    No, wait.. that’s my job..

  13. 3 months in Africa with no sustantial female contact (and no playboys) … I read HippyBlog to keep "motivated".

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