Midfoot cleat position – second ride

Tonight’s commute home through peak hour traffic using the new midfoot setup was ok. I was making a very conscious effort not to do much lane splitting, lest I get caught out with the toe overlap trying to hook around a bumper bar. Clipping in is getting more accurate. Trackstanding the wrong way around is a bit wobbly but will only get better.

So far, there are no niggles, no pain, no strange muscle recruitment that I’ve noticed. The only odd thing is still the fact that the cleat is further back and I’m expecting pressure under the balls of my feet but not getting it.

Did a 2x20min turbo session using the midfoot setup too. It went ok but felt perhaps too heavy on the quads – this could have been the turbo angle or something though?

No pain, nothing bad to report about the new setup. Power was ok, nothing special but basically what I was aiming to hit.

4 thoughts on “Midfoot cleat position – second ride

  1. Wow, the amazing wonderpill of cycling then… fake! Is this MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) or what? FAKE!

  2. Yep… bored…

    Didn’t realise that the email address is actually displayed – drat! I was just hoping to get you wound up and write something back in anger orsomething. Oh well. Next time.

    But that domain name india guy? That is not me.

  3. It also logs your IP address/hostname so even if you didn’t use your email address I’d know it was you.

    I know.

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