My bike should be here!!!!!



(looks up, outside) Doh! It’s raining! That’d be bloody right.. keep all the good weather for when I’m bike-less! 😛

I’ve got two large, heavy boxes to get from Heathrow and there’s only one of me. It looks like it might take two, kinda soggy, trips to the airport and back. I hope the bike box lasts.

Then I have to find somewhere to put the GT beastie… I’m not used to leaving bikes outside, but I think I might have to do that here – room isn’t so plentiful and unlike me, “normal” people (apologies to all you non-normal bike freaks reading this ;)) don’t take kindly to grubby bikes through their house 🙂

3 thoughts on “My bike should be here!!!!!

  1. How good are my hosts!!! Leo was more concerned about my bike going missing than me! The bike is living in the lounge room. Guys, YOU ROCK!!

  2. Leo was more worried about your bike going missing rather than yourself going missing?

    Cool! Priorities are correctorondo around there!

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