One from the Dick-tionary: "Ipoded"

New word for your bike vocabulary: Ipoded

Ipoded“, verb. Used in the context of repair. “There was a really annoying clicking noise down there but I ipoded it!”

The problem is not fixed per se, but, if you can’t hear a problem, is there really a problem? I think not! *happy happy joy joy*

This word should eliminate all those “My bike is making such-and-such noises” posts from cycling forums. All hail hippy, the human train wreck!

Don’t have the latest and greatest ipod like hippy the yuppie scum? Tell someone who cares 😛 (Mine will most certainly not work after this trip anyway!)

BTW: My bike still makes the friggin clicking noise, but the volume level on the pod just went up to “fix” it..

6 thoughts on “One from the Dick-tionary: "Ipoded"

  1. Nah, I ride bikes, I don’t work on ’em. 😉

    Besides, you know I don’t like to get dirty.. 😛

  2. I thought Iploded was something that your Ipod did when it hung for the third time after getting it replaced two previous times for it and other faults.

    The iploding of course, was assisted by the means of C4.

  3. I actually can’t believe the little bugger still works!!

    It lives in my handlebar bag which, not only gets the shit shaken out of it on fucked up German bikes paths and curb-hopping NL, it also gets carried around on my shoulder, everywhere!

    I used it on the train from Hamburg to Berlin today and it still pumps! MacPlus and the ipod – Apple Computer’s two greatest inventions.

  4. I read the entire post rongly. I didn’t see the ipod reference, so thought you were talking about something else, and I read ipoded as iploded.

    Never mind, it seems everyone around here thinks ipods are crap, and a complete waste of their money. I just think that apples are crap. Non discriminatory, you see.

  5. Notice how it’s only people who’ve never owned ipods that bag them out?

    I probably never would’ve bought one but now that I have one, I’ll probably replace it if/when it dies. They rock!

    I haven’t used an Apple for years 🙂

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