6 thoughts on “Pedal-Powered Rollercoaster

  1. Hey, nothing to do with the post topic (nice blog by the way), but saw your question over at mine re the Storck… I’m 64kg, 10st in old money…



  2. train leaves

    seat still empty

    pillow warm

    snooze button activated

    and activated

    and activated

  3. Don’t think I’d like the Hipster behind me on that ride!!! Otherwise it looks cool.

  4. I was going to say hi Leo, but wasn’t sure if it was appropriate. Then I thought what the heck, Hi Leo and Mai Ling. Hope it’s the right Leo 🙂 I do still think of you guys and I’ve told many people about you-nice things of course! So, if you happen to be passing I hoped you’d see my note. I know it’s your blog Hip, but they’re some of your special people so…..

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