Pista Powertap

The Condor Pista I use for commuting just received a nice little upgrade in the form of a rebuilt rear wheel. Not just a standard Open Pro onto any old fixed hub though – oh no – this puppy is now running a Powertap fixed hub. Scherrit from The Bike Whisperer converted an older model geared Powertap wheel I bought off ebay into a fixed setup with the aid of a Wheelsmith conversion kit and a Surly Fixxer (and of course it wouldn’t be complete without some of Scherrit’s filing). The original aluminium nipples (fail) were trashed so the whole wheel was rebuilt in order to correctly dish it for the fixed setup.

More pics of the Condor with fixed Powertap conversion can be found here.

All this done just in time for Wheelbuilder.com to announce they are doing conversion kits for the new style Powertap hubs..

6 thoughts on “Pista Powertap

  1. Hey, does it display how strong the stopping power is? There’s a possible new world record you could try and set 🙂

  2. Well, if you apply reverse torque (skidding) to the thing it will apparently show negatives. Since I was told not to do this as it shortens their lifespan I’m not about to try it. Shortens from 40k though.. ouch 🙂

  3. Hey, that’s a small price to pay for a world record 🙂 If the record doesn’t exist yet, you’ll be the first to set it so it doesn’t really matter how high it is – you’ll be in inaugurial record holder who’s set the bar for all other to start from. Look at records boards – most people look at teh last couple, then they skip over all the ones in the middle to see what it started at, "back in the day". That’s worth destroying a powertap or two for! Come up with some rules, have a chat to Guinness, heck, get some sponsorship from Powertap cause they’ll be stoked that people are blowing up their hubs to attain a new world record 🙂 You’ll start a craze!

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