Snow on my doorstep!

Snow on my doorstep!

Mal called to tell me it had snowed so I snapped this with my ‘new’ K750i (the W810i replacement). SNOW! AT MY DOOR!

3 thoughts on “Snow on my doorstep!

  1. Wow, we haven’t even seen snow in Canada yet! But we’re working on it 😉

  2. Tez: Good talkin’ to ya t’other day man!

    We had a nice sunny day yesterday but the clouds are out today. I was back on the bike yesterday so I’m in pain today 🙂 Might ride to the cop shop to hand in a purse I found. That should warm up all the dodgy body parts.

    G&S: Snow is nice but the Tube carnage it causes gives everyone a headache. I’m yet to ride in it..

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