14 pints in 5 hours is..

Too Much!

14 pints in 5 hours, with no lunch or dinner beforehand is..

Much Too Much!

14 pints in 5 hours, with no lunch or dinner beforehand and some of those pints disappearing in under 10 seconds with the help of “Barry the Beer Bong” is..

Just Fscking Ridiculous!

It all started innocently enough, with a trip to the London Adventure Travel Show with Simon, a mate from Swinnie’s Res. college.

I picked up a tonne of ideas for future travel – loads of road touring stuff, mtb touring, hiking, diving, yachting and even some groups that organise rides and other ‘interesting’ stuff for Londoners.

Dermot, a Scottish bloke was particularly psyched about his cycle tours and I’m now dreaming of some insanely difficult, high-altitude “not a holiday, but an expedition“-type touring.

Once we’d cased the entire show it was into the nearest pub to break the drought. Two pints of “Cockle Warmer” 6.5% ale. Now, here is where I should’ve made the decision to head home and study some travel brochures. Nuh uh! “Barry” was calling…

Long-story short and a couple of John Smith 6-packs later, not much of London’s west managed to escape the “liquid upheaval”…

Sunday was a write-off, just like me!

(This story provided with the post-puke-pride only a proven piss-weak pisspot can provide!)

How did the phrase “three sheets to the wind” come to refer to being drunk?

4 thoughts on “14 pints in 5 hours is..

  1. Gee Tam, a bit of credit please!

    You don’t really think I’m the kind of person that gets "a little bit" drunk and makes silly phone calls to people in far-off lands, do you?

    *hides phone behind back* 😉

  2. If it’s any comfort I was at least 4-5 sheets to the wind last Friday evening. Everything, including the coming weekend, went wrong after the second cognac..

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