Any other women wanting to show me their breasts…

Any other women wanting to show me their breasts… please form an orderly line. No squabbling!

By “other” I mean to say that tonight a young woman thought I might need to see her chest. I couldn’t agree more!

Riding along Glenferrie Rd on the GT SS, a small bus goes past full of (older) school girls. One spots me and, while I’m looking at the bus, rips up her top to give me an eye full!

I cracked up, waved, cracked up some more and then did what any other red blooded male would do… I chased the bus! Catching it under the SE freeway, I rolled by, thanked the girls and spun around for a rather lonely session on the ‘drome.

I guess all the normal ‘drome users are fairweather riders, probably all sitting in front of their open fires, sipping lattes… I mean, come on! Instead of 10 people, there was a singlespeeder and a female roadie. Where did all the heroes go? A few commuters went past but there wasn’t a single over-geared, bobbing, Cannondale riding, triathlete! Just because it was a little cold and wet (okay, quite cold and damn wet!).

Oh, I need to point out that this was the first time in a long time that I’ve ridden the singlespeed. Obviously the ‘God of One’ decided I should be rewarded for my return to the realm of ss and presented the ‘prize of the flesh’ as encouragement! I hate to think what I’ve missed with all the roadie kays I’ve been doing!

3 thoughts on “Any other women wanting to show me their breasts…

  1. ah….Girls Gone Wild!

    did you reward her in the Mardie Gras tradition of a ten cent beaded necklace?


    these are such freer times than when i was free


    here is that email you asked about

  2. Alas.. I did not have a suitable gift for the fair maiden.

    Fear not, as from this day forward, the toolkit shall remain

    in my quarters and I shall carry fine gifts in its place!

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