Thoughts for the day…

Aero bars are for eating.

Nestle Aero bar

Murphy’s Law states that:

after drying cycling gear all night in front of a heater, it WILL piss down with rain the next morning.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts for the day…

  1. Nice dig on the aerobars!

    Once when I "was" demented I did the Ironman with a bunch of other cyclists on what was basically a dare… a year long dare as it took me a year to train for the swimming and running.

    Anyways the night before ironman we all sat around drinking beer after riding our mountain bikes all day. Then it hit us to play rock paper scissors- loser had to ditch their aerobars and ride the 180 km like a man.

    indeed aero bars do not belong on your bike

  2. I think it needs reiterating.. you are insane!

    Nice one! 😀

    I think more people should try your method of ‘tapering’.

    Mountain biking and drinking sounds like the perfect step prior to an Ironman.

    Challenge: Complete your next mtb race entirely on aerobars! I’ll let you fit brakes to ’em unless you want to do it brakeless fixed.. hehehe :>

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