Ealing -> Oxford -> Ealing

For the last two years I think my longest ride was last week’s 60k loop south-west around Feltham, Kingston and back through the city (I’m such a slacker now).

Taking some inspiration from Ed’s cycling activities I’ve finally started to “train”. I’m okay with short efforts but anything lasting longer than a 30s commuter sprint and I notice a distinct lack of oxygen reaching useful body parts. Therefore! Start work building an aerobic base. With this in mind I set out to ride to Oxford or at least 50k out to get 100k return.

Why Oxford? Because I’ve wanted to ride here since I found out it was west of Ealing and therefore doesn’t require riding through the city and 1 billion traffic lights! I also wanted my HR to stay under 150bpm.

I set out at 8am (Sat) and rode west along Uxbridge Rd. passing what looked to be a bunch gathering for a ride on the A40 near Denham. The roads are certainly rougher in the UK compared to Melbourne and I wondered at times if anything would vibrate off my bike during this ride. I puzzled over the ‘descent’ into High Wycombe – surely this place has been untruthfully named?

There was a SW wind blowing which gave me the irrates but had to be dealt with alone. Through some small towns, I think I stopped somewhere to buy sweeties as I had no food with me – they don’t sell Powerbars or fruit sticks in supermarkets here. Pidd(l)ington was used for a piddle stop 🙂

After Stokenchurch I zipped down a rather long hill called Aston Hill while heading up were a spread-out bunch of older riders. Maybe they weren’t that old but my eyes were fuzzy due to them watering from the 60kph coasting. It was fun but at the bottom I knew I’d now have to climb this on the way back.

A while later I’m messing around with round-a-bouts and underpasses and I think I’ve taken a wrong turn. I’m now on nasty busy road (turns out to be the A40) with 7mi (11.2k) to go until Oxford. I’ve been in London too long and I’m just not used to traffic moving fast. I’m also under-fed (wouldn’t know by looking) and under-watered and my mind is not so positive right now. I consider turning around and heading back but I’m too close and “damnit!” I’ve ridden much worse than this before.


Dawdle around a little, taking the obligatory pic in front of the Welcome sign but fail to find a suitable pub to stop at and decide I should get going while motivated.

I turn the bike around and on the A40 again I notice a bike path which is nicer than the A road. I’ve now got the benefit of a tail-wind and I’m nudging 50kph at 130bpm. Easy!

Climb back up the big-arse hill and now I’m thinking I really need ‘proper’ food and some salts – it’s a bit warm! The local ladies get to admire that odd, yet, mmm, somewhat appealing view of me in brand-spanking new Croydon Cycleworks kit while I stuff chips and Lucozade down my gob at a rate of knots. Did she just come back for another look? I guess Stokenchurch doesn’t have many lycra louts stopping by? 😉

Belt home with the wind behind me (that’s not a euphemism!) and I take a little less notice of the HRM, hitting 66kph with a bit of pedalling, down one of the hills.

Get a little confused at the Denham round-a-bout and almost head into work on the A40. Almost.

Dodging all the nutters in Southall I arrive back home after 5hrs 52minutes. Average speed around 26kph which isn’t bad for such a long solo ride for someone who thought he’d die over such distances these days.

Sunday I was a bit sore (plus: Wills, Matt, Polish, Malwina and I were drinking until midnight) so I skipped the Willesden club ride I was thinking about trying (next week). I received a mild tan from my efforts in the sun! Can I get my old ‘form’ back? I think I’ll have a crack!

Here’s the route for the ride (one-way): http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=766996

Duration: 5h 52s

Distance: 151.7k (hope my Polar is configured right!)

HR: 139/165 (avg/max)

Speed 26.5/66.7 (avg/max)

Ascent: 925m

3 thoughts on “Ealing -> Oxford -> Ealing

  1. Good work: I’ve always pedaled straight through Stokenchurch to avoid the locals.

  2. Cheers. Quite happy with this ride actually.

    The locals were curious, that’s all..

    I’m glad it was daylight. Joke! 😛

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