Exercise rocks, don't it? (2 x EARL)

Don’t answer that Mr & Mrs Sedentary. I will.

It does. Get out there and move!

I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it.

I like to move it, move it. I like to.. MOVE IT!

(NB: Watch Madagascar)

This blog is turning from a bike blog to a r_n blog with dollops of techno and self-pitying introspection. For the love of god people, find me a road bike and some suitable racing! 😉

I was totally stuffed at work but picked up as soon as I’d left, thinking about hitting Prague at the end of the week and more immediately the prospect of doing a double EARL (EAling Run Loop).

As soon as I arrived home, I was out of the corp-wear (my arch enemy) and into some shorts and t-shirt. I put the arm warmers on because it was frickin’ COLD! (Checked the temp on my return and it turned out to be 2degC!).

Nothing much to report about the first loop. Half-way into it I had a stitch. 3/4’s of the way around, on Gunnersbury Ave, I ran past a sign: “Fatal Incident – Wed 14th Dec, 4:30am”. Oh, um, nice. Someone died here, um, well, that’s a little unpleasant, but what can you do?

Something moved in the grass to my left. The victim? Err.. No. Some little mice or mice-looking critters were running through the grass away from me. I don’t blame them – I’d run away from me too. I felt pretty dodgy and was weighing up: stopping after one lap, running a little extra to make 1hr or doing the double. In the end I ran straight past home without the water stop of last time.

Time: 39:45. Not bad for me and the fact was: I felt like continuing.

Passing Northfields Tube Station, I hit a pretty cool sight. Along Pope’s Lane, the street lights glowed in a yellow line into the distance. The moon was huge and hung very low in the sky, shrouded in the same yellow fog as the street lights. It appeared as if the moon was commanding its street light “troops” from a throne above. I’ve seen some fantastic moon scenes in Oz but this one was new to me. It would’ve made a great photo.

Half way around, a bunch of Christmas-people appeared, including a Santa who was waving to the kids in cars. Awww… can I get a “Yay for Christmas!” from everybody?

I would like to suggest an alternative to Tam’s “race face”, mentioned here. My “run face” is a similar grimmace, but has nothing to do with oxygen-debt, knee-pain, cramping or any of that other stuff running inflicts. No, my “run face” is the grimmace associated with someone clenching their butt hard, trying not to sh1t their own pants! Arrrgh! I was fine on the first lap, but every five minutes on the second lap I was reminded that if I didn’t make it home VERY soon I would be carrying some luggage home in my undies. This sh1t (‘scuse the pun) never happened to me on the bike! (You know you’ve made it when your blog posts are about turds). Anyway, with my sphincter scrunched as firmly as my grimmacing face, I made it home, ripped off the shoes, ran up the stairs and.. ahhhhhhhh… MUCH better! 😀

Total time for the LOUD (Loop Of Unrevealed Distance :P) was 1:20:41.

That’s about 6 minutes faster than the last time I ran the double AND I was in MUCH better shape at the end. I was doing it easy (for me). I was hardly sweating (could’ve been the 2degC temp!) and my legs weren’t in anywhere near as much pain.

Afterwards, I made this:

hippy's vegie stir-fry

Yes Tee, all by myself 😛 It was edible and all! 😉

10 thoughts on “Exercise rocks, don't it? (2 x EARL)

  1. Ew vegetables!

    What have you done to the real hippy? The real hippy doesn’t do any of this ruining shit. He also eats meat. And you haven’t mentioned beer in a long while – I seem to recall you having given it up.

    Apparently the competition held about what to call Kangaroo meat has been decided — it looks like I will have to look for Australus in the shops instead of kangaroo. Seems the customers are too stupid to know the difference, just like when people started buying venison because they didn’t like the sound of eating deer.

  2. Yay for Christmas!

    Yay for hippy turning into a runner! I notice you updated your coolrunning profile, so I dobbed you in as a running blogger hahahahaha!

  3. TimC:

    Come on man, I’m a miserable git but I’m still warmed by the thought of.. oh fuggit.. BAH HUMBUG! 😀

    Okay, the running thing IS odd. Even _I_ don’t understand that.

    As for the vegies, I only tend to eat meat when someone else cooks it, usually as a take-away. E.g. I almost never buy raw meat these days. I was doing this even BEFORE I went out with a vegetarian who was a good cook – so I’m well beyond caring about meat.

    If it makes you feel better, I was pissed on Boddingtons Friday and Saturday and had a Tiger beer with my Chop Chop noodles on Sunday.

    I also visited The Beer Shop with Dan and crew and the only reason I didn’t buy any of the funky brews was because I was skint. I have two quirky ales waiting for me at home and I’m off to Prague this Friday for a Czech Beer Frenzy 😀

    I haven’t changed _that_ much 😉


    You are purest evil and dibber dobbers wear nappies.

    Did you see the new email address – the reason I updated my CR profile? 🙂

  4. Doug V thinks it strange – he’s taken to riding to assist with old age erh uh, sorry, I mean injury related issues and you’ve turned to ruining when it used to be other way round. He still has a plan that might see him run again – I know you’d just like a bike so you can ride. We’ll just wait to see what happens.

  5. My gym membership has expired. Need to hit it up for another month, but at the same time I’m saving for the move and a computer and bike and clothes and and and.. I need to start buying Tatts tickets.. :S

  6. I would dine out less, but it’s with friends and for birthdays and stuff, so it’s kinda rude to stay home and eat toast. Mmm.. toast..

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