Google does Public Transport

Public transport via google

I actually imagined/dreamed/wondered about this concept just a day or so ago. Surprise, surprise, today I found out it was a reality on their new Gmail RSS feeds.

I was using the TFL Trip Planner to work out some travel plans and wondered why no one had combined Google Maps with London bus routes and suchlike. Essentially, I’m curious about where my bus goes, but I want Google Maps to show me. With timing information I could know when and where I’d be, given a departure time. Combine this with store address info and I’d know how many times I could listen to “I’m too sexy” before I had to hop off at Richer Sounds to buy that new stereo..

Check out what they say anyway. It’s only one town now, but it will grow..

Anything that will make using PT quicker and easier is a Good Thing(tm).

BTW: I don’t actually have a copy of “I’m too sexy”.. yet.. 😉

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