Happy Birthday Dan!

Sorry I forgot about you. I forget about my own Mum though so you shouldn’t feel too bad..

Dan turned (how frickin old am I?) last Thursday, the 8th of September. I would’ve remembered but there was no cake. No cake means no comment. 😛

SCANDAL! Cake for Comment!

8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Dan!

  1. Cheers ya bastard!

    Come back home to London, and you can have as much cake as you want! (And eat it too…)

  2. Aw.. You’re so sweet! 😛

    Now.. how the fsck do I get 110 litres of Belgium beer into two panniers?!

  3. Well, you might have to drink some first…

    But my question is – how do you get your bike to not fall apart with 220L of Belgian Beer on it? I’m using the old "You are what you eat" thing, hence guessing that you’re almost 100% Belgian Beer by now with just a subtle hint of Mushroom remaining…

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