Hold on to your laptop vents.. cold one coming..

Tomorrow is supposed to be -8degC, with a blizzard warning!

I’m from Melbourne for feck’s sake! I don’t even know what a blizzard is! :S 😛

Should be some fun finding out though. I’m crossing my fingers for snow. That’d be frickin’ awesome! SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!

The internet at EalingGeekHive (a.k.a. “home”) has gone down due to its connection to some insanely fast new service, so I’m blogging this from work and getting behind in all my other geek stuff. I think Leo gets back from the States soon and he controls these things. Please be patient, not a patient.

Blah, blah, body is falling apart with the gym stuff, too much weight, too little muscle. Um, I’m passing up free ice-skating tonight to sit on my backside doing nothing. Should be great! I can’t wait!

It’s the end of the day so my brain is fried. If you want more detail on hippy happenings.. well.. um.. make them up yourself!

Here’s a start:

“so hippy went to the market..”

“hippy then said to the policeman..”

“how hippy’s custard tart ended up in her underwear is a long and complicated tale..”

“Don’t press THAT button!” squealed the bystander formerly known as innocent.

And remember folks: Care for your socks and they shall protect you from the evil leprechauns. The End.

4 thoughts on “Hold on to your laptop vents.. cold one coming..

  1. I felt exactly the same way about snow when I was in the UK. It was amazing waking up and peeking out the window to see everything covered in snow. Euan just groaned, rolled over and went back to sleep so I rang my family back in Melbourne because I was so excited. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t seen snow before but it’s different when it’s outside YOUR house. I hope you get a decent fall so you can make a snow man. 🙂

  2. hello.. hello.. Oz to Stu.. R U there? R u under a blanket of snow? Did you get blown away – literally – by the blizzard? If you got snow, is it what you expected? You didn’t try to ride thru it did you? Hope all’s going good!

  3. See latest blog entry for report on the "blizzard".. pfft!

    I’ve seen snow fall once before, but I was stuck on a train at 3am in Austria, when it happened. It truly was a magic moment for me. Sounds like total wank, but I sat there, blown away, until we moved on.

    Everything was covered in white and it looked like one of those white christmas scenes (the ones we never actually experience back home).

    It was amazing!

    So, I REALLY, REALLY want it to snow here, so I can actually go outside and feel it, play in it, ride in it, etc..

    Please snow! *crosses fingers*

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