Love Doctor – Tip 1 – Offer Hot Salami before SPDs

For those attempting to woo a potential partner, I have a single, but vitally important tip for you. Pens and paper at the ready? Good.

Don’t offer them your SPD pedals straight away! You will scare them off with your unmatched generosity!

You stand a much better chance of success if you first offer hot salami.

It must be ‘hot’ salami though, none of this ‘toned down for yuppie consumption’ salami. Hot. Got it? Cool!

HOT Salami

One thought on “Love Doctor – Tip 1 – Offer Hot Salami before SPDs

  1. Yo Stu!

    Dave in Wellington here mate. Just read your post on Russ’ blog! Bikes arrived safely. Wellington is one awesome place – especially for road and mountain bike riding.. probably get some knobbies to replaces the slicks on the mtn bike 🙂

    All the best for the trip mate. I’ll be checking the blog regularly. You can stay in touch with my adventures at

    Cheers mate!

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