Melbourne Grand Prix

Free ticket to the Thursday session..

Fast cars, nice cars, loud cars, tricky bikes, tricky Roulettes, hot women (literally – the weather was very nice!), waay overpriced food and drink ($3.90 for 600ml water WTF?!?) and a day spent outside rather than in the office. Not a bad day for the price of a train ticket.

2 thoughts on “Melbourne Grand Prix

  1. I just read in the paper about how sports fans seem to be willing to pay $4 for a bottle of water. Apparently, in night clubs, people are willing to pay $8 (I thought it was illegal to charge for water in a pub or nightclub, but never mind me)!

    Are they banning you from bringing your own? The Siderney olympics tried (I don’t know whether successfully) to ban people from bringing their own food and drink, because that would eat into their profits <insert noises of shock and horror here>.

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