Melbourne Skyline

Questioning my sanity (this seems to happen too much for my liking these days) as I rode to work, being passed by sleepy drivers leaving less than a foot between me and their 1.5 tonne steel boxes I was still feeling slow and not in the zone. I wasn’t even close to the zone – I’d need a bus pass before I made it to the zone.

“What the hell zone are you referring to you crazy hippy?!”

I’m talking about the smooth, fast, “what cars?” zone that makes most commutes a doddle.

Taxi drivers would question my sanity if I asked them to take me to the zone, I was that far from it.

Shit.. the point of this wasn’t to talk about the start of the ride it was to talk about the end. 7/8ths of the way in I found my groove, my speed lifted and I felt good to be on a bike again. The sky behind me was a brilliant shade of pink (80’s fluoro? Hypercolour t-shirts?) and the Melbourne skyline as I rolled down Burwood Rd. was (what’s that word all those wanky artists use?) “surreal”.

Outside the CBD was a light dusting of pink cloud “fur” and then as your gaze moved further towards the city centre it suddenly changed form to become a thick white umbrella, just covering Melbourne. It was like the city hadn’t taken its hat off! 🙂

(15min passes)

Now the pink fur has disappeared and has been replaced with the typically-Aussie blue sky along with the typically-Melbourne patches of cloud 🙂

The “umbrella” over the city has shifted into a hue of brilliant orange, the top of which now resembles real clouds – a large mass of rolling orange that will turn white as soon as the sun has fully risen.

What the hell has all this got to do with bikes? Nothing! But it’s my blog so piss off the lots of yaz! 😉

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