5 thoughts on “Mmm.. coffee..

  1. I think I watched the videos of this one in use. It looks okay but gets mixed reviews and requires, let’s say, more cleaning than perhaps a lazy bastard like me would deliver? 🙂

    Also, it’s 4x the price at ?40, even though it’s only $50USD!! Dodgy UK importers!!

    I think I’m going to go for one of the simple jobbies first and maybe work my way up from there..

  2. I’ll second the Brikka, but if you go for a plain one make it as small as you can get away with.

    I have a 3 cup & a monster 10 cup. The 3 cup does a better brew by an order of magnitude.

    Also, most important, clean it after use, like now, straight away as soon as its cool enough to handle. The water chamber WILL corrode if you leave it dirty overnight.

    Brew on.

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