More info on the Garmin Etrex Vista HCx
Arrived today. It works. It has lots of features. I will learn all about them. I will get lost in style from now on.
More info on the Garmin Etrex Vista HCx
Arrived today. It works. It has lots of features. I will learn all about them. I will get lost in style from now on.
How are you getting on with the GPS? I’m thinking about getting the same model. What maps and software are you using with it? Peter
It seems pretty easy to use. I got some maps for it online. They need to be unlocked for the unit though so it’s still not helping me navigate. I also have no bike mount for it yet.
I’ve not had a great deal of time to play with it for ‘getting somewhere’ but recording rides is automatic and they can be dumped to the PC for later browsing. It’s a nice little unit but I really need more time to sort out how to properly use waypoints, the maps and reverse directions. Once I build up a collection of routes it should be easy to retrace them.
Gee, I’m not doing a very good wrap up of this am I? Basically what I’m saying is, if you have a bit of time to read about it, find the necessary maps, find the useful tools (like the one I got that converts google map routes into Garmin files) then it appears to be a solid little unit that does what it’s supposed to do.