Note for the nerds..

Broadband here is fscking CHEAP!!

I’m using Grant’s 2MB ‘net connection (4x faster than my link in Melbourne). You can get 8MB connections pretty cheap too.

I’ve seen an ad on the train for 2MB ‘net, cable tv and cheap phone package all for 20 quid/month!!

So much for Oz being a telecommunicaions leader!

2 thoughts on “Note for the nerds..

  1. Nah Hips, Ya got the wrong end of the optic there 😉

    Unless subsidised, Oz can never be the Wiz of cheap comms.

    Simplified, the cost of comms to the end user decreases with population (customer) density.

    OZ 2.6 people/Square Km


    UK 243.26 people/Square Km

    Broadband should be HEAPS cheaper o’there.

    Enjoy it while you can…

  2. When I wrote ‘leader’ I meant technologically-speaking. We are never going to be the cheapest, for the reasons you highlighted above! 🙂

    1.5MB connections aren’t even that common in Melbourne and here they are offering 8MB?! How cool!

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