Observation: UK vs. Oz – Penguin vs. Tim Tam


Penguins are like the cheapass, home-brand version of TimTams. They just can’t compete.

You can eat them, if that’s all you’ve got, but you’ll be thinking about Tim Tams.

Tim-Tams have thicker, nicer chocolate, softer and nicer biscuit and a superior filling.

Sheila says: “Penguin is a wannabe TimTam! The biscuit is dry, brittle and cheap and the chocolate is not as thick and creamy. The filling tastes like sugar and cocoa – far inferior to [a] Tam Tam’s filling.

Oz wins, hands down. Bring TimTams to the UK!

From www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.com:

the mighty Penguin offers a more of a satisfying mouthful and its greater bulk elevates it from treat to a snack.

So, they are giving it credit for being heavier?! Obviously they’ve never heard the expression “quality, not quantity”! Fools.

More opinions can be found here, but these freaks eat Tim Tams with tea so they are obviously idiots. 😛

11 thoughts on “Observation: UK vs. Oz – Penguin vs. Tim Tam

  1. "elevates it from treat to a snack"

    That’s obviously some use of the word "elevate" that is contrary to any usage I have seen of before.

  2. Think about it though..

    It’s also all _I_ have!!! :S

    Except when my awesome Mum sends TimTam care packages over 😉

  3. Penguins suck compared to Tim Tam’s. Simple as that. It’s funny – I had this argument with the guys at work the other day. They INSISTED Penguins were better. Then I ate one…

    Stu, you start an action group: "Tim Tam’s For All". =)

  4. "Penguins suck compared to Tim Tam’s. Simple as that. It’s funny – I had this argument with the guys at work the other day. They INSISTED Penguins were better. Then I shot them…"

  5. Ahh.. yes. Tricky here with the lack of guns. This lack of guns is a GOOD THING(tm). Australia and the USA could learn a lot from the UK.

    "Down with Penguins

    Tim Tams for EVERYONE!"

    "Down with Penguins

    Tim Tams for EVERYONE!"

  6. Ahh.. yes. Tricky here with the lack of guns. This lack of guns is a GOOD THING(tm). Australia and the USA could learn a lot from the UK.

    "Down with Penguins

    Tim Tams for EVERYONE!"

    "Down with Penguins

    Tim Tams for EVERYONE!"

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