
Carrots here look HORRIBLE! Dirty, off-coloured, twisted, deformed yucky things..

Onions here are MASSIVE! I’m assuming the ones I saw weren’t specially bred super-onions..

You can buy 3L cider in the stupormarket for ?2 (and I just found the ? key on Grant’s silly keyboard!)

Bread is around the same price as in Oz, even with the ?->$ conversion.. can you say YAY!? 🙂

I just watched Arsenal beat Manchester United in the FA Cup Final? in a penalty shootout. I have adopted Arsenal as ‘my team’ should anyone ask.

I’m not sure if I have enough brain cells left to sample the vast numbers of different brews here. Brain cells or money to be precise.

Tube Etiquette, with some funny anecdotes to illustrate.

3 thoughts on “Observations

  1. you dont need to eat veggies, you had loads of them before you left.

    (nothing compares to the Veggies in Aust. trust me i know!)

  2. You’d know what vegies here are like.. no wonder you don’t like supermarket vegies! You were scarred for life shopping here!!

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