10 thoughts on “New pics

  1. How is Hatchy going now? How are you coping without your partner in crime? And where did you get that cool wrist band?

  2. Last I heard, he was still very scared. Mum is over in Europe now on her holiday with my Auntie so it’s just Dad taking care of the ‘kids’.

    He had Willy for 16 or so years though, so he knows how to handle black cats.

    I’m patting neighborhood cats to keep my spirits up 🙂

    Cool wristbands can only come from cool people. LIVEWRONG black band was from Dan at ShifterBikes and t’other was from Tamyka’s House of Craftiness 😀

  3. I have a house of craftiness? No, I think that’s my mum’s house. I think she likes you.

  4. Everyone likes me 😛

    We’ve already established that your parents have no problem with me because I’m 15,000 kilometres away.. 😛

  5. I think that certainly adds to the appeal.

    Hehehe maybe that’s why _I_ like you hahahahahaha!

    Uh oh, that just fired up your LSO, didn’t it?! I didn’t mean it!

  6. Meh!

    Pommy chicks love me too.. be careful 😛

    Oops.. did that chink your HSO?

    Joking 🙂

  7. Yep it did, but as long as it improved yours, that’s okay. *sacrificial tam*

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