10 thoughts on “PICS FROM THE ROAD!!!!

  1. Hi mate, I’m back! Waved to every cyclist (had others on bus looking out too) in case you got seriously lost! Take your time and enjoy as many days you want in any place. Taste the beers and ice creams, etc. Had fantastic time, saw awesome places/scenery.

  2. Hey dude, thanks for the Wuppy picture, in fact I love all the pictures… I’m soooo jealous and want to cycle tour!

  3. I got lost often.. still do..

    In Brussels now.. cool place, once I settled.

    Tam, you can come over, it’s a 1-man tent.. so there’s plenty of room 😛

  4. Oh, I’m right, I’ve got a bivvy bag. But no touring bike. So I’d be able to keep up.

  5. Yeah, if you can walk, you can travel as fast as me.. hahahaha.. stoopid loaded tank..

  6. Teehee! Don’t call yourself stoopid, plus I thought you were broke, not loaded…

    Speaking of Teehee, how come Tee doesn’t pay out on you here any more? Come back Tee, we like the way you shitstir!

  7. Was loaded.. but all those frickin calls to QLD mean I’m now skint.. (insert mumble)

    Tee is probably busy planning revenge on the annoying bitches next door, plus sorting out her new house. I’d be jealous if I wasn’t spending my house deposit on a European cycle tour! hehe

  8. "It’s only after you’ve lost everything, that you’re free to do anything."

    It’s heading that way.. and I’ve seen stacks of people over here that’ve lost everything.. it aint pretty.. :S

    "you’re not how much money you’ve got in the bank. You’re not your job. You’re not your family, and you’re not who you tell yourself.."

    "You have to know the answer to this question! If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?"

    I’d feel like I should’ve gone to QLD..

  9. 🙁 I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me, and it was all Fight Club!

    We need to hook up and watch Fight Club sometime.

    (Yeah, that’s what we’ll do.)

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