Back in Internaute 'net cafe..

Back in Internaute net cafe.. sampling another strange brew – “Kriek” (pron. creek). I had this earlier today in the form of ice-cream. Yes, BEER ICE CREAM! I shit you not!! Belgium IS heaven on earth..

Anyway, it looks like red wine with a “head”. It’s fruit beer. Made from cherries I guess. It’s nice, but I’m scared the locals might know it as a chick drink hehehe I’m a fscking tourist, I have no cred here anyway hehehe

Here is the Kriek page above, translated to english with babelfish.

From the same cool site,, here’s the Chimay Rouge (Red) I tried the other night.

8 thoughts on “Back in Internaute 'net cafe..

  1. Ah yes, Kriek Boon!

    There’s another one made from Raspberries – it’s ‘Kriek’ also – but not ‘Boon’. I’m pretty sure it ain’t a lady’s drink.

    (Well I hope not anyway!!!) 😉

  2. Hey! I thought you don’t read blogs!!

    London has changed you my friend. I hardly know you anymore. *sob*

    Stu, any plans to go to Hoegaarden?????

  3. Hey dude!

    Good to see your travels going well. Seriously jealous that your bike tour comes with such good beer. I was getting really sick of XXXX & VB. At least Sth Aust had Coopers everywhere. Mmmm… Coopers Stout…. Oops I’ve drooled on the keyboard….

  4. Speaking of Hoegaarden.. 500ml for 2 euro!!!! FINALLY something that’s cheaper than Oz!!!

    I was gonna go to St Quentin.. but it wasn’t really on the flight plan.. no idea where Hoegaarden is, but there’s heaps better beers here..

    Mmm.. I’d like to say I miss my Coopers but that would be lying.. this place KILLS IT for beers!!!

  5. Observes: The disadvantage of touring OS before touring Oz is that you know what good beer tastes like.

  6. Hehe, I just added St. Quentin to my itenerary. I hope it isn’t a hole, or as the French would say, "un trou de merde".

    I’ve going to save all my $2euro coins for belgium!

  7. Yeah, you’ll need all the coins you can carry… just to take a piss!!!! :S

    I nearly exploded internally today due to the lack of public toilets in Brussels!

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