Proof of insanity!

While the GT lays broken and unloved in the lounge.. I went for a.. I’m not sure I can say it.. I went for a… a… rum..

No, no, not a rum.. it was that evil activity where you put one foot in front of the other in a more rapid fashion than walking. I like to refer to it as RUINING (that’s not a typo).

Gym’s cost money and my bike needs fixing, so the only remaining option to get sweaty was to “ruin”. It was bloody good to get a sweat up for the first time in a week or two, but it does come with at a price. My poor wittle leggies go hurtsies now! It’ll take a week before I can walk without feeling the after-effects in my quads.

I only ran for 30-60min (I don’t have a watch) but that’s enough for a first-time-in-a-long-time go. I brought my runners to the UK fully expecting to use them – weather, work and living arrangements might prevent me from cycling as much as I’d like to and I want to remain ‘somewhat’ active. “Traitor” you’re all thinking.. 😛

I don’t know why but I worked up a nice little blister just behind the ball of my right foot. This is odd because I’ve run in these shoes quite a bit (relative to running in any shoes, I mean) and I’ve never had a problem with them. Perhaps four months in ill-fitting shoes has panel-beated my feet into a new shape? I’ll see what happens when I go again.

Job Hunting

With some time to think, I’ve decided to focus more on getting IT work rather than bar work. I know I crapped on about doing “something different” and all that but living with a bunch of computer geeks has started to turn me. There are more advantages in IT than hospitality, not least of which is the fact that I’m not the bubbly, happy, enthusiastic person most bars are looking for.

I’m thinking of IT roles with less development work and more contact with people, like DBA, Sysadmin and Support stuff. Actually getting one of these jobs will depend on what sort of sh1t I can spin in my resume and interviews. I should start a self-help group for indecisiveness sufferers..

5 thoughts on “Proof of insanity!

  1. This indecisiveness self help group sounds kinda interesting – just not sure whether i should join or not…

  2. Dude, you should join, totally!

    Unless of course you have a good reason not to? Or perhaps you just don’t want to yet? I’m not sure, you really need to weigh up the pros and cons of such a hefty decision before committing.. I’ll leave it up to you, I think?

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