4 thoughts on “Ride in fishnets, it could save your life..

  1. I’ve been reading your blog on and off for a while now and you seem have a fascination with bicycle couriers. You seemed to have mentioned earlier that you are looking for work….. so why not just bite the bullet and work as a courier yourself??

  2. This is true. I do find the industry fascinating.

    Unfortunately I’ve read a lot about it and I’m very good at finding excuses to avoid trying it: the risk of injury, the low pay, the fact I’ve seen them ride and I just can’t ride that quick and, hey here’s a new one..



    Actually, I’m getting a little desperate for a job and happened to go looking for bike courier positions.. I found one and need to give them a call..

  3. I don’t really read the newspapers and I haven’t been here long enough to know which are rubbish and which are, well, less rubbish 🙂

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