Samsung Galaxy i7500 – Google Android

My new toy arrived yesterday..

Samsung Galaxy i7500

It’s got the build quality of a Samsung without the hideous Samsung UI. Google Android is awesome. A bit of whinging was heard from the iClone lovers about the lack of multi-touch (all that pinching to zoom stuff) but as I’ve not been sucked into Apple’s realm of darkness.. no problemo! I believe they can be hacked to do the multi-touch stuff anyway but it just doesn’t seem necessary. Now to work out what else it can do..

Oh, Mal and I are trying to buy a house here so I’ve not been doing much else but working, drinking and form filling. – Android 1.6 SDK

2 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy i7500 – Google Android

  1. nice… i can’t wait to get my hands on a google android phone! my iphone’s pretty sweet at the moment but some real competition for the iphone can only be good for us consumers!

  2. I had a play with the iPhone at work and didn’t really like it. I had a second go and it felt ok but I seriously dislike some of the limitations the iClone has and I really like Google and that little need to be just a little bit different just for the hell of it ya know? 🙂

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