So I'm in Belgium now..

drinking Leffe-something (not the Blonde, it’s something else..), eating chippies in a funky ‘net cafe in Tournai (Doornik). 3 euro an hour is nice, but I’m gonna get out of here and into the fucking awesome sun as soon as possible!! It rocks here!! LPG showed me where YHA AND cafe was, so no more expensive BnBs or shitty hotels (or seeing the camp ground 5 kays outside town as I leave..)

The hostel here does’t open until 5pm so I’m killing time here, until I can ditch the bike. Did I mention it’s fucking heavy?

I’ve got a few pics but really, I’m not so much into holiday snaps now.. just funny stuff or the odd thing to help jog my memory of a place later on.

Yesterday ended in a place I like to call ‘hell’ but I cant be fscked going into detail. The morning and day/s before that were pretty cool though. I can understand why so many people cycle-tour France now. The people are usually pretty cool, except for that one guy I had to pummel… nah, joking! 🙂 They were cool and so was the cycling. French drivers get my vote as best I’ve encountered. Really nice BnB in Aire. Met some cool Swedes in a pub there too. More dudes buying me beers. I like it!! Tried some of their chewing tobacco too (you dont chew it, you stick it under your lip, but I dont know what else to call it).

I stopped taking photos of the large, impressive churches in small towns, coz I quickly realised there was a large, impressive church in EVERY small town!

Um.. got other stuff to do now.. like drink myself stupid and eat waffles.. so tata! (that was for Russ)

4 thoughts on “So I'm in Belgium now..

  1. Maybe they call it sucking tobacco? Or under-the-tongue tobacco? Does it give you mouth cancer? Ewwww…

    Hey, as for the old churches, that sounds like touring Tassie. Hey look… old church! Old bridge! Old people!

  2. Haha, I’ve been told about this stuff before. Lip cancer, very bad.

    Maybe I’ll start calling you Lippie. Hmm.. no, probably not. Ho hum.

  3. Leffe Br?ne is teh bomb.

    I wanna go to Belgium! We’ve got a new PhD student here from Belgium, and he now knows that I have good taste in bier.

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