So I'm liking Belgium now..

Decided to stay in Tournai for another day. The weather is still great and I want to make the most of the outdoor seating, belgium beers and chilled out town atmosphere..

Not much to report other than getting drunk on super beers, eating way too much yummy food and dealing with hostel taps and getting locked out, missing showers, etc.. It’s all good now though – I’ve finally washed me and some clothes. They’ll be dry in under an hour hanging on the bike in the YHA backyard..

I can highly recommend the Bush Blonde 10.5% for sunny days such as today. It doesn’t rot your brain like their 12% Brune either!!

Um, so if anyone knows how I can get a job as a postie in this town (they have cool bikes!), I’d like to move in, asap, if that’s alright? ;P (I bet it’s really shitty during winter or something, right?)