Spine aline

Just a quick post to use up my net credit and to let y’all know it has stopped raining so I can finally leave Zwolle and head for Groningen!! Yay!! Just called a hostel there and beds should not be a problem which is good coz I want a break from the tent.. although I must say, these last two days have been SUPER COMFY in the tent. Maybe my spine has formed a match with the ground underneath? Maybe I’m just too tired to care? I dunno, but I’ve slept really well.. I even managed to pack everything without cracking the shits! I’m now an expert! hahahah!

7 thoughts on “Spine aline

  1. Just like TAC adds, there’s a certain amount of "desenitisation" that’s going on, I’m sure.

    Your body is actually in agony. But now it’s realised that it’s not going to stop, and has stopped sending you the pain messages.

    Either that or you’ve stopped being a soft-cock. I’d say it’s the de-sensitisation… 😛

  2. What’s this about hippy being a softcock? Hey, I got a disc full of stuff from Carl today… hehehehe….

  3. No, no, he’s right – I think it’s way too much time spent riding bikes..

    Disc full of stuff from Carl.. uh oh..

    :S 😀

  4. The ABOC presentation featured a bike like my dozer. The scary thing is, in the early pics, it had black tyres, and in later pics, it had yellow tyres… like my bike… I think my dozer has a doppelganger.

  5. So do you. Lots in fact. You should visit NL some time.

    Oh, I just remembered. That’d be Wayne’s bike! You have one of those orange ones right? I made that connection a while ago, when you sent me the pics of your machine. Don’t know about his tyres though. He did upgrade his wheels to AC deep-rim jobbies..

    Mmm.. aero..

  6. Doppelganger? I’ve only heard that word used as the title for filthy German porn movies.

    The connection becomes clearer now…

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