Wed 20th – Does anyone work here?!

Big market on this morning and there’s people everywhere! Bands playing as well. Local radio dj interviewing people, etc.

Doesn’t anyone have a job to be at? School to attend?! How can so many people attend an all-day market mid-week???

Mmm.. large serve of poffertjes (small pancakes) with butter and icing sugar for brekkie (3.50euro) YUM!

How are the Dutch not all fat?! Well..

They don’t then go into a HEMA cafe and eat apple pie (appeltart) with whipped cream (slagroom) washed down with an Amaretto Iced Coffee (3.85ish) right afterwards! That’s how they are not all fat!

Sometimes I love being a fat crunt! Skinny bastards don’t know what they’re missing! (other than the heart disease and diabetes I mean..)

Into the library (biblioteek?) to email STA about my expired travel insurance.




Missed Tam while replying to one of Ant’s long-winded emails.. and he gets bored reading the shit I type.. sheesh! (Jokin’ man.. but if you ever diss my blog again you’ll find your chillum in another orrifice.. :P)

Explain to me why the public library and some old-timer cafe (Stapp’s Inn) plays dance music, but when I go to a pub to watch the Tour, they’re playing “In the navy, you can sail the seven seas!”.. no, it wasn’t that kind of pub. How do I know? None of the guys were wearing black-leather chaps of course! 😛 Sunk a few coffees (I was avoiding beer) at Stapp’s Inn while watching the Tour.

I grabbed the umbrella from my bike because it was raining outside (this would prove to be a trend for Zwolle). Spent some more time on the ‘net (I’m addicted – BACK OFF!) and then had beef stroganoff and a hot chocomel (chocolate milk frothed with coffee machine) at the Flying Horse. I know why this meal was cheap – there must’ve been two pieces of beef in it! A storm is rolling in and I can’t find any supermarkets. 🙁 I can’t remember what I did that night – must’ve been really exciting. 16k at 13.9kph, so a really big day for riding.. we’ll call today a rest day 😛

9 thoughts on “Wed 20th – Does anyone work here?!

  1. In Zurich Lynnie + I noticed one big party – not just weekends, but week days and most of the nights! Were told later on where we stayed was the place where they DIDN’T have to work and they partied often. Makes for holiday atmosphere! Kick back + enjoy.

  2. No youth hostel for us, but parties outside our window in the piazza every night! Our tour director later told us about them not having to work!! Dad thinks it’d be a good idea to renew your travel insurance.

  3. Thanks Mum.. and.. Mum..

    Oh, I’m on fire tonight!

    On fire? Now I really need that insurance!

    Um.. I’m trying to sort it out but they need my signature and I don’t have a fax or STA’s contact details, etc. Basically, it’s a big PITA and I’ll let it slide and not remember until I get back to London and go "Hey, I lived without travel insurance, lucky me!" or more likely "Arrgh some prick stole my bike and now I’m in jail with no money and no ID and a guy called Bubba".

    I know I need travel insurance. I’m waiting on STA’s reponse to see if they have my signature on file.

    I’m very verbose tonight. I should’ve blogged instead of replying to all your comments.. geez! 😛

  4. You have to watch out for guys named Bubba. I’ve heard. Son. (How wrong is that?!)

  5. Given some other discussions/comments which may or may not have been written by the aforementioned parties and may or may not appear in a public sense, including but not limited to the domain of the internet, the cellular phone network and the landline phone network.. um.. what were we talking about?




    You are so very, very wrong! 😛

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