UK Bank Account

Less than a month to go before departure..

I had issues with how to get a UK account. STA no longer offers it due to some legal hassle with ANZ and going through Travelx or HSBC require a 1500UKP ($4000AUD) deposit!

Tezz had told me about 1st Contact ages ago and I applied for their starter kit, but I messed up when I read the email they sent. Anyway, I called them and it turned out to be all cool, so I trained into the city today, paid my $75 and came away with the promise of a UK bank account when I arrive and a useful London guide.

No minimum deposit is required, no permanent UK address either and it’s cheaper than HSBC ($115). All I need to do is get mates who I’m staying with to fill out a form telling the banks that I’m staying with them, go to a 1st Contact meeting and get my account! Easy Peasy!

Finally handed in the keys to work too.. 🙂

Had a discussion with the dude in the print cartridge shop in Hawthorn. He’s going to Paris for 2 weeks to write “quirky” travel stories. He’s been commissioned to do so!! I want his job!

2 thoughts on “UK Bank Account

  1. here is your last chance you can ditch out on the UK and come over to canada

    burrrr cold

  2. hehehe.. Now why would I want to do a silly thing like that? 😛

    I will visit Canada one day – it’s on my todo list 🙂

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