Fri: Grabbed some DVDs and beer and spent the night on the couch with Malwina (aka “Polish Chick” – crazy girl came back for more :P). The new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory really misses out without the proper Oompa-loompa song. Something about “Dogtown” was next. It had skateboards in it, I think.
Sat: Drank lots and fell about while showing Leo, Mei-Ling and Fiona our new place.
Sun: Blue skies and sunshine made today a great day for a wander through Kennsington Gardens, Hyde Park and Green Park. So it was done. We did get rained on once or twice, but just like Melbourne, “give it 10 minutes”. The sun didn’t set until almost 8pm! Bring it on! Summer here is going to fscking ROOOOOCK!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀
On Saturday, Leo suggested trying the “Western Way (A40)” instead of Uxbridge Road. I rode home that way tonight and for the first time in a looong while I actually bailed from the route because the traffic was sh1tting me. It was an A road, but combined with the sun shining in my face, numerous fly-overs (London’s hills :)), a head wind, w@nker bus drivers cutting me off, blah blah, etc. it just wasn’t worth the grief. I went back to ol’ faithful Uxbridge.
Yeah, well, winter’s on it’s way over here dude, so summer it up!
And it didn’t just come gradually – within two weeks it went from 30 degrees and blue skies to overcast, mildly crappy weather – I’ve even had to put on a jumper occasionally!
Sounds like you’re having fun. Rock on!
London…summer…? Ive been sunburnt, peeled, and sunburnt again. Cyprus is fun. Apart from standing on the boat in a thunder storm soaking wet and about 12 degrees today. I didnt sign up for this!
Quick man, call for your refund and get back to scorching London! 😉