26th May

Slept in after another late night. I think I’m almost on Aussie time again!:S

Went shopping in Ealing this morning and bought some goodies like occy straps, duct tape, blank cd’s, etc.

Came back, burned some CF cards and had PB sandwiches and beer for lunch.

Called Tam on her mob. Phone cards don’t last long this way.. especially when the connection drops out! Grrr..

Tried again with the landline and used up the last of the “New Swifty” card. Good value these.. I might add up the total time and see how close it came to the quoted 642mins.

Ended up heading back towards Covent Garden – used Hoborn station because Covent Garden station is a bitch! (Stupid elevator-only exit).

Wandered around like a wasted sheep again.. it’s what I normally look like so I make the perfect tourist!

Oh yeah, managed to get lost in the tube station in peak hour and ended up at the end of the platform with no means of escape – had to wait until everyone got on the train. Doh! That’ll teach me to not pay attention! I’m not sure which system is more sardine tin-like – London or Japan? Suits all looked kinda squished to me!

Found a cool shop that sells discounted phone cards!! Yay!! ?2.80 for a ?5 card! hahaha (should’ve got the ?20 one). It’s on Shaftsbury Ave or something.. Yay!

Spent some time in a cafe with an iced coffee, sorting out some bank stuff and phone stuff.. and watching more freaks pass by.. and more close calls with peds, riders and motorbikes, vans and cars. I’ll say it again – peak hour is nutso!

Cornish pasty and beer for dinner (Kaltenberg tonight instead of Carlsberg).

Going to try setting up the tent in the dark in the backyard tonight.. the operative word being ‘try’! :S

14 thoughts on “26th May

  1. I’de love to watch you putting up a tent!!

    Day or night it would be a pisser!!!


  2. Yeah, I’ll have to keep my swearing down as everyone else is in bed..

    Lucky I have lots of beer and cider should the stress get too much for me! 😛

  3. can you put some photos up of you assembling this tent. i would love a laugh!

  4. Where did you get that crazy idea to set a tent up and sleep in the backyard?

    Hey, I bet you can’t find that phone card shop again!

  5. Big hint Tamyka – dont ever dare Hip, he has a bad habit of going out of his way to win :S

  6. Tee: I’ll take a pic or two before I knocked it down.. just to prove I DID set it up, at least once 🙂

    Tam: It was my idea – I rock! 😛

    Oh, I’ll take that bet – how much?

    Tee: It’s not a bad habit! Winning rules 🙂

  7. Okay here’s the deal. If you find it, you get the following prize: many hours of talking to ME!

    If you don’t find it, I’ll gmail you.

  8. You always have to eat dinner or something!

    I want a ‘no-interruption guarantee’ 😛

    I will find it. When there’s money to be saved.. I will find it 😛

  9. That’s not true! Usually I need to pee! And stop siding with my father.

  10. In.. Out.. whatever.. there’s always something. I think the call record should be YOURS because you’re the controlling factor. "I need to pee.." 😛

    (suck)Your Dad is wonderfully insightful though and you really should take his suggestions more seriously – he just has so much knowledge and experience." (/suck)


  11. That won’t help your case, unless Dad is reading your blog, in which case he’s disgusted by your swearing.

    It doesn’t matter anyway, he’ll hate you if we’re in the same country, you horrible man, aiming to deflower his wonderful, smart, innocent, virgin daughter. Or something. Let him live with it!

  12. I thought you said he didn’t read my blog.. in which case you can stop all your lying! 😛

    Oh, just because I can: shit fuck arse 😛

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