Stanford Maps in Covent Garden

I caved in and bought two guide books for Belgium and Netherlands.. I’m so addicted to LP guides.. at least these are small and have some little maps.. and beer guides!! 🙂

I don’t follow them religiously or anything but if I rock up somwhere it’s nice to see if there’s anything really cool that I should try and see..

I also bought a map of Northern France. All from Stanfords in Covent Garden (, and ain’t that place happening! Fark.. peak hour is nutso!!! It’s like 10 St. Kilda’s in half the area, with everyone on speed and/or acid.. Covent Garden, not the map place!

Took Grant and Sheila out for pancakes at The Old Dutch, here in Ealing, after doing some clothes shopping at some brand discount place.. TK somethings??

It’s only about 140k from Ealing to Dover. I’m thinking about spending some time in Cantebury, where Grant and Sheila just got back from, as it’s meant to be really nice..

As for the last few days.. I tired of blogging.. I might write them up, might not.

4 thoughts on “Stanford Maps in Covent Garden

  1. Hippy, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write them up? We’d really like to hear what you’re up to. *irresistable pout*

  2. I *may* be in Cambridge in a bit over a month. I should probably write this paper, eh?

  3. I think I’ll be out of the UK by then and hopefully don’t run out of money while in mainland Europe – at least not too soon!

    Gotta try and get to Le Tour as well. That’s going to be interesting.. :S

  4. Hi ‘Second Cousin’ your Dad visited this morning. He said he was going to clean up the mess left by some young fella out east of Melbourne. Apparently the fella went bush in Europe!! Typical, bring up a guy then he takes off!! Hope your having a great start to your adventures. Will check in from time to time. Cheers Carl

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